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Core Functional Testing Services

Functional testing plays an important role in Business critical applications and in applications where functionalities change quite often. Manual testing is essential, as 100 percent automation is not possible in real-time environment. In an agile methodology, manual testing holds upper hand over the automation. KrishnaTraining  has expertise in delivering manual functional testing service on software applications across Financial, Healthcare, Telecom, Retail and Logistics, Energy, and E-Learning domains and expert services in SOA, Security, Mobility, and Datacenter.

KrishnaTraining has expertise in:

  • Client Server Application Testing
  • Web application Testing
  • Desktop Application Testing
  • Test Cases Preparation using testing techniques such as Equivalence Partition, Boundary value  analysis, Cause effect graphing, and Error guessing
  • Test Strategy and Test Plan Preparation
  • Manual Functional Test Execution
  • Defect Tracking
  • Regression Testin

Test Automation Services

While automating some or all of your testing can provide a significant return on investment, but most test automation projects fail because test automation success is more than just buying the right tool. KrishnaTraining automation services help save your company from making an expensive test automation mistake.

Some of our Automation Framework Benefits include:

  • Flexible keyword-driven framework 
  • Reduced cycle time for automation resulting in reduced automation cost 
  • Automation for the masses, minimizing the need of automation experts for maintaining automation systems
  • Database driven Customized reporting for all stakeholders
  • Automated scheduling
  • Better quality control

KrishnaTraining has extensive expertise in building Automation Frameworks built on HP.

Performance Testing Services

KrishnaTraining specializes in Performance Engineering, which focuses on addressing various scalability and performance issues of an application and its IT infrastructure. With vast Performance Engineering experience, extensive domain knowledge, tools, and technical expertise, KrishnaTraining helps its customers in deploying highly scalable applications.

KrishnaTraining covers following in its Performance engineering services:

  • Performance Benchmarking
  • Vendor agnostic Performance Measurement  
  • Load Testing
  • Stress Testing
  • Performance Testing 
  • Performance Testing at different layers such as Network, Middleware and Application Layers
  • Resolution of Data Extraction issues of Heterogeneous databases
  • Capacity Analysis
  • System outage Impact Testing
  • Performance Tuning Services
  • Performance Management such as I/O Issues, Production Issues, Infrastructure and Network Bandwidth Issues, System Outages Issues, Response Time Issues, CPU and Memory Issu


KrishnaTraining with in-depth knowledge in Mobility, understands the pain areas and offers testing solutions that include Mobile application testing and Mobile device testing in every stage of the product lifecycle. AdacIn's Mobile application testing process is tuned to address the issues related to Mobile device management and security using emulators and simulators.


  • Mobile Test Automation
  • Interoperability
  • Protocol Conformation
  • Security / Penetration tests
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Enterprise Mobile Enablement Testing
  • Mobile Device Management Application Testing
  • Ruggedized Terminal Testing
  • Heterogeneous Platform Testing 

It offers validation services on the following:

  • Enterprise Mobile Enablement Testing (Banking, Retail, Healthcare and Logistics)
  • Mobile Applications (GPS, Mobile Portals, Games, Mobile Music / Video Streaming, Mobile Directory Services)
  • Mobile Network Management Applications (Used by N/W operators)
  • Mobile Device Management Applications
  • SyncML / Open Mobile Alliance Data Synchronization and Device Management Testing
  • Ruggedized Terminal Testing (Functional, Compatibility and Performance)
  • Customer Experience Testing (Usability)
  • L10N and I18N (Languages / Regional Standards / Different Carrier Networks and Devices)
  • Mobile Platform-based Testing (Symbian, Palm, Win-CE, Google Android, Blackberry, J2ME / BREW)

Value Proposition

  • Achieve operational efficiency through mobile technology and applications
  • Improved network performance by ensuring the increased response time and high availability of centralized servers and applications


  • Expertise on emerging 3G Wireless Technologies

           » Bluetooth (RFID, WiMax, Wifi, Migration from IPv4 to IPv6, Mobile IP) 

  • Expertise on Existing Mainstream Technologies (GSM, GPRS, CDMA, UMTS, WAP)


Training Schedules
QA Classes Starting
Schedule: Mon, 19 Aug 2024
Schedule: Mon, 19 Aug 2024
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