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Parature’s online forum software has many features built in to allow people to quickly get to online discussions they’re interested in. One such feature, called “Notify Me”, works as follows:

When a person enters content into the forum, consider this content a post. Other users can reply to posts, thereby attaching a new post of their own to another post that already exists. For example, one post may pose a question, and another user may reply to that post with an answer. Note that there is no limit on the “depth” of replies; a user may reply to a reply, etc, nor is there a restriction on who can reply to what posts.

On each post, there is a “Notify Me” checkbox which can be turned on or off by the user. When checked, the system will automatically e-mail the user whenever a reply is made to the current post they are looking at. In the above example, the user who posts the question may leave this box checked in order to be notified via e-mail when someone posts a reply, hopefully answering their question.

  1. Given this description, in order for an effective QA process to take place, are there any requirements or behaviors that are ambiguous if left unspecified?
  1. Give ALL examples of functional tests you’d perform on this feature in order to thoroughly ensure it is working correctly. (Assume that you have all the extra requirements, if any, you specified in part A.)
  1. Are there any tools or techniques that you could use in order to make testing this feature more automated or take less time in general?
Date Posted: 01/17/2014

Parature’s online forum software has many features built in to allow people to quickly get to online discussions they’re interested in. One such feature, called “Notify Me”, works as follows: When a person enters conten...  


In software and systems engineering, a use case ...  


 I have been working in Data warehousing ETL/...  




  1. First question: Tell me about Yourself


  1. Why did you choose testing as your career, I see your education background is not computers.


  1. What made you to come here or apply for this job.


  1. Why do you think you are fit for this position


  1. What skills do you think a tester should have


  1. How do you write a good test case


  1. What do you know about our company


  1. What is that you would like to change in your last company if given a chance


  1. What frustrates you? Is it bad management or bad requirements?


  1. What sort of environment you would prefer to work? Would you like to work alone? If you are in a situation to work alone what would you do?


  1.  What is QA and QC tester?


  1. what is senior QA…what is that you did as a senior QA?


  1. What is the team size….how big is your testing team
  2. what is the name of the manager in the previous project ?


  1. Did you worked on CMM, 508 complaisance, pelase tell me what are the process areas that you guys followed ?


  1. Asked me to rate from 1 to 10 on all technologies like Manual,QTP, SQL, UNIX


  1. Percentage of work that I did on QTP and manual.


Above are the general questions for about 15 minutes…..later they started asking from my resume…


  1. First question was explain the testing process…what is that I did as a tester on my project…..what is my role as tester….


  1. Explain Latest project


  1. Asked me to explain agile methodology…also asked me what is release planning meeting…..while explaining latest project I explained him  agile…. 2 week sprint development cycle..


  1. While explaining they will ask questions….he asked which testing comes first functional or regression?


  1. How do you automate? What did you do? Did you automate everything from scratch or do you already have some scripts, frameworks?


  1. Did you write any stored procedures?


  1. What do you mean by writing complex SQL queries---àI kept in my resume so he asked….


  1. How many tables you usually join and how many you feel is a lot…


  1. Did you worked on RUP…..methodologies


  1. Did you worked on Rational Tools


  1. What is SOA…explain….explain SOA and non SOA


  1. Asked me to explain SOA test….that I did on my application while testing webservices


  1. Asked me to explain about web services


  1. What is XML


  1. Asked about UNIX shell scripting, what I used to do….


  1. Asked me what is Test plan…


  1. What is Test strategy….I kept in my resume….so he asked….


  1. What difference you find between data stage and informatica? Which one do you like?


  1.  Explain defect life cycle…asked me to explain in detail….steps to reproduce…..


  1.  How do you know that the test cases that you are writing are correct?




Apart from this they gave me SQL written  test.


SQL---> 2 tables employee and department


1) Get all employees from emp table


2) Get Employees starting with N and also small n both?


3) Get firstname and lastname and get the salary


4) Get fn, ln , salary of emp and get the max sal



5)get firstnane, lastname, department name



6) get second highest salary of employee from emp table


7) get depno, no of emp in each dept


8) get dep that dont have employees



My sincere suggestion to who ever coming to testing training just work hard and focus on what krishna teaches….you will know the depth of training only after we finish the training….Krsihna gives you so much subject information, try to induce in mind as much as possible and keep reading the material that we have on krishnatraining website. Prepare well…..Have confidence! I wish you all the best.


I come from non IT background, though thank you is a small word, I should whole heartedly thank krishna for transforming me to a SOFTWARE ENGINEER J



Krishna’s Student

Date Posted: 08/25/2013

REAL INTERVIEW QEUSTIONS   First question: Tell me about Yourself   Why did you choose testing as your career, I see your education background is not computers.   What made you to come here or...  

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