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191What Do You Mean By U-area (user Area) Or U-block?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: This contains the private data that is manipulated only by the Kernel. This is local to the Process, i.e. each process is allocated a u-area.

192How To Switch To A Super User Status To Gain Privileges?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: To gain super user privilege
(status), you have to know the root password, after that just invoke the "su" command & it will ask for password, after successful login you gained super user status.

Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: The Bourne shell is the standard shell of unix , it provides the following fewatures: - It gives the ability of input/output redirection. - Allows the usage of met characters for file name abbreviations. - The environment can be customi...  

194How Do I Set An Environment Variable To Change My Directory Inside A Program?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: The environment variable can’t be set as it is not allowed and special permissions are required to make any changes. Whenever a process gets created, then other processes which are the sub-process of the parent process also called as child process inherits a copy of its parent’s variable. Child process can change the values but it will have no affect on the parent shell. For allowing your parent shell to change its variables, when you change the variable in child shell, then you will be required to take permission from parent shell to give special privileges for any change.

195Why Do I Get Error Message, When I Use "rsh Host Command”?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: The program “rsh” stands for remote shell program. When the remote account uses the C shell, then the shell executes the command for you. Shell reads your remote “.cshrc” file which might contain other commands such as sty, biff that is not appropriate to be used with the shell. Due to this unexpected error message occurs.
For example:
stty erase ^H //commands in .cshrc file.
Biff y
// when the shell interprets it, then it gives error message like
% rsh some-machine date
stty: : Can't assign requested address

196What To Do With The File If It Consists Of A '/' In Filename?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: The file which consists of a ‘/’ in filename is treated as special case and can be created by faulty kernel code. In most of the cases '/' and '\0' are the only two characters that cannot appear in a filename. The special symbol '/' is used to separate directories and files. The commands 'find' or 'rm' will find and delete this file as they treat the symbol in normal way.

197How Do I Remove A File Whose Name Begins With A “-”?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: Filename should not be saved with a “-” in the beginning. The only possible way to remove such files is, by using the command of rm and the syntax of it is as follows:
rm ./ “-”filename (file is in the current directory)
This is the remove command which is used to remove either the file or the directory.

198What Is The File Server In Linux Server?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

 Ans:  File server is used for file sharing. It enables the processes required fro sharing. All the files can be stored at a centralized location. Linux uses Samba to view the files on the server. Files on this server are backed up on a regular basis. Rights can be also assigned for the files on a file server.

199What Is NFS? What Is Its Purpose?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: NFS is Network File system. It is a file system used for sharing of files over a network. Other resources like printers and storage devices can also be shared. This means that using NFS files can be accessed remotely. Nfs command in Linux can be used to achieve this.  
Purpose of NFS:
NFS can be used for sharing of files remotely.
Data can be stored on a single machine and still remain accessible to others over the network.
Reduction of the number of removable media drives throughout the network since they can be shared.

200How Do I Send Email With Linux?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: Email can be sent in Linux using the mail command.
Mail [options] [users]
Options include: -s for subject, -c for carbon copy, -b for blind carbon copy
E.g. mail user_name –s “hello”

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