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41What Is The Hotkey That Can Be Used For Hitting Spacebar?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: There is no Hot key for space bar.

U can use (Type" ") command

42What Is Database Check Point?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: Database check helps to check database used is correct or not.
For Eg: Flight reservation: If you right click on the information table of flight and say add database checkpoint you would get the checkpoint properties there select the data base icon which looks like excel sheet and click ok. Check point is added, if you want to add parameterization click on the icon in the value cell and add parameters data successful means dbcheck point is correct.

43How Many Actions Possible In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: There are 3 types of Actions available in QTP.

1). Non-reusable

2). Reusable

3). External Actions

44 Is There Any Function To Double Click A Particular Row In A Web Table?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: There will be a function by the name activate, use that function, required argument is the row number.

45Can We Mask A Code In .vbs File So That It Is Not Viewable To Others?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: VBS file is visible in notepad only not in QTP. We can add a .vbs files in QTP, test menu>setting>Resource tab.

You also try to open .vbs file in QTP if it’s open then you only get your questions answers.

46What Is The Command In QTP To Invoke IE Brow?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: Invoke Application "The path of the browser EXE file"

The following example uses the Invoke Application function to open Internet Explorer.

Invoke Application "E: Program FilesPlus! Microsoft InternetIEXPLORE.EXE

47How To Close All The Opened Browsers By Using QTP Script?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: Count number of open browsers

Set BroDesc=Description. Create

BroDesc ("micclass").Value="Browser"

'Count number of open browsers

num=Desktop.ChildObjects (BroDesc).Count

'Close all open

If num > 0

For i=num-1 To 0 Step -1

Browser ("creation time:="&num).Close


End If

48Can Anyone Explain How To Call A Win Runner Script From QTP? Can We Execute QTP Scripts From Test Director?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: We can call win runner main test and compile modules using menu function



TSLTest.RunTestEx "MainTestPath",TRUE,FALSE

TSLTest.CallFuncEx "Compile Module path",TRUE,FALSE

49 What Conditions We Go For Reusable Scripts And How We Create And Call That Into Another Script?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: When we are going to call the action to another action we are going to set the calling section as reusable. By setting this then only you are going to reuse some other action. Otherwise you cannot call that action.

50How To Recall A Function In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/27/2012

Ans: To recall a function in QTP

Function addition(x, y)

z= x+y

msgbox z

End Function

Call addition(1,2)

Call addition(2,2)

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