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141What We Normally Check For In The Database Testing
Date Posted: 07/03/2012

Ans: In DB testing we need to check for,
1. The field size validation
2. Check constraints.
3. Indexes are done or not (for performance related issues)
4. Stored procedures
5. The field size defined in the application is matching with that in the db.

142What Is Way Of Writing Test Cases For Database Testing?
Date Posted: 07/03/2012

Ans: You have to do the following for writing the database test cases.
1. First of all you have to understand the functional requirement of the application thoroughly.
2. Then you have to find out the back end tables used, joined used between the tables, cursors used (if any), triggers used(if any), stored procedures used (if any), input parameter used and output parameters used for developing that requirement.
3. After knowing all these things you have to write the test case with different input values for checking all the paths of SP.
One thing writing test cases for backend testing not like functional testing. You have to use white box testing techniques.

143How To Test Data Loading In Data Base Testing?
Date Posted: 07/03/2012

Ans: You have to do the following things while you are involving in Data Load testing.
1. You have know about source data (table(s), columns, data types and Constraints)
2. You have to know about Target data (table(s), columns, data types and Constraints)
3. You have to check the compatibility of Source and Target.
4. You have to open corresponding DTS package in SQL Enterprise Manager and run the DTS package (If you are using SQL Server).
5. Then you should compare the column's data of Source and Target.
6. You have to check the number to rows of Source and Target.
7. Then you have to update the data in Source and see the change is reflecting in Target or not.
8. You have to check about junk character and NULLs.

144What SQL Statements Have You Used In Database Testing?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: The most important statement for database testing is the SELECT statement, which returns data rows from one or multiple tables that satisfies a given set of criteria.
You may need to use other DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements like INSERT, UPDATE and DELTE to manage your test data.
You may also need to use DDL (Data Definition Language) statements like CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE to manage your test tables.
You may also need to some other commands to view table structures, column definitions, indexes, constraints and store procedures.

145What Is Database Testing And What We Test In Database Testing?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: Database testing involves some in depth knowledge of the given application and requires more defined plan of approach to test the data.
Key issues include:
1) Data Integrity
2) Data Validity
3) Data Manipulation and updates
Tester must be aware of the database design concepts and implementation rules.

146How To Use SQL Queries In Win Runner/QTP?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans:  In QTP
using output database check point and database check point,
select SQL manual queries option
and enter the "select" queries to retrieve data in the database and compare the expected and actual

147What Are The Different Stages Involved In Database Testing?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Verify field level data in the database with respect to frontend transactions
verify the constraint (primary key, forien key ....)
Verify the performance of the procedures
verify the triggers (execution of triggers)
verify the transactions (begin,commit,rollback)

148How Do You Test Whether The Database Is Updated As And When Information Is Added In The Front End? Give Me An Example?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: It depends on what level of testing you are doing. When you want to save something from front end obviously, it has to store somewhere in the database
you will need to find out the relevant tables involved in saving the records.
Data mapping from front end to the tables. Then enter the data from front end and save.
Go to database, fire queries to get the same date from the back end.

149How Do You Test Whether A Database In Updated When Information Is Entered In The Front End?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: It depend on your application interface..

1. If your application provides view functionality for the entered data, then you can verify that from front end only. Most of the time Black box test engineers verify the functionality in this way.

2. If your application has only data entry from front end and there is no view from front end, then you have to go to Database and run relevant SQL query.

3. You can also use database checkpoint function in Win Runner.

150How To Test A SQL Query In Win Runner? Without Using Database Checkpoints?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: By writing scripting procedure in the TCL we can connect to the database and we can test data base and queries.
The exact process should be:
1)connect to the database
db_connect("query1",DRIVER={driver name};SERVER=server_name;
UID=uidname;PWD=password;DBQ=database_name ");
2)Execute the query
db_excecute_query("query1","write query u want to execute");
-Condition to be mentioned-

3)disconnect the connection

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