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171What Are Shell Variables
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: Special Shell Variables:
1. MAIL the pathname of the file where your mail is placed.
2. PATH the list of directories searched for commands.
3. PS1 primary prompt string.
4. PS2 secondary prompt string.
5. ! The process number of the last process runs in the background.
6. # the number of positional parameters.
7. $ the process number of the current shell.
8. ? the exit status of the last command run (0 if it was successfully, non-zero otherwise)

172How Does The Kernel Differentiate Device Files And Ordinary Files
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: Device files are of 2 types --- character device file and block device file

type field in the file's inode structure

b--- block device file

c--- character device file

173Explain The Steps That A Shell Follows While Processing A Command?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: When processing a command the searches for the utility for the command in the directories specified in the PATH variable and it in invokes that utility. That utility will execute the command with help of kernel and the output is given to shell. And then the displays output to the user.

174What Command Is Used To Remove A File?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: command is used to remove a file is rm.

175What Is #defined? Why It Is Used? Give An Example?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: This symbol is UNIX administrator.
$-this symbol is user prompt in UNIX

176What Is Concurrency? Explain With Example Deadlock And Starvation?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012


A {
wait_for(lock_1) {
do something that takes time
wait_for(lock_2) {
do something

B {
wait_for(lock_2) {
do something that takes time
wait_for(lock_1) {
do something

start A
start B

A will be holding lock_1, waiting for lock_2
and B will be holding lock_2, waiting for lock_1

hence, deadlock occurs

177How To Remove Blank Space At The End Of The Line In Vi Editor ?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: :1,$s/ //g

178How Can You Find Dead Processes?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: ps -ef|grep zombie or who -d depending on the system.

179How Can A Parent And Child Process Communicate
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: A parent and child can communicate through any of the normal inter-process communication schemes (pipes, sockets, message queues, shared memory), but also have some special ways to communicate that take advantage of their relationship as a parent and child. One of the most obvious is that the parent can get the exit status of the child.

180Which Command Is Used To Delete All Files In The Current Directory And All Its Sub-directories?
Date Posted: 07/02/2012

Ans: #rm -fr <Directory name>

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